Cybernode Collaboration Conference 2023
[23-02-07] On behalf of Vinnova, SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic research) and MSB, Cybernode organized a joint conference on Thursday 26/1 2023. The main purpose of the conference was to enable increased cooperation between 31 Swedish cybersecurity projects, all of which are financed by Vinnova, SSF and MSB.
Here are the recordings from the conference. The conference agenda is listed, with links to the presentations, in chronological order. The speakers presentation slides are published at the end of the web page (in PDF format).
From 9.00, morning coffee/tea
10.00 Introduction and welcome
– Cybernode /Martin Bergling, RISE
– NCC-SE /Christoffer Karsberg, MSB
– Vinnova /Tommy Schönberg, Vinnova
– SSF (Swedish Foundation for Strategic research) /Jonas Bjarne, SSF
– Overview of Swedish cybersecurity initiatives, incl Cybercampus Sweden /Shahid Raza, RISE
10.45 Keynotes
– Prof. Danica Kragic, KAW WASP Cybersecurity
Late minute change: The speech is presented by Andrei Sabelfeld/Chalmers.
– Director Security Research Eva Fogelström, Ericsson AB
“Benefits of cybersecurity research in Sweden – an industrial perspective”
11.25 Project presentations, PART 1
TRACK 1A (room Auditorium)
- ARVOS – AI- and Risk-based Vulnerability Management for Trustworthy Open Source Adoption, Emil Wåreus/Elastisys AB
- AI-based cybersecurity for CAN and IP communication in existing vehicle environments, Jesper Rhönnstad/Clavister
- Trusted execution environments for federated learning, Morgan Ekmefjord/Scaleout Systems AB
- Data generation and sharing for robust intrusion detection in IoT systems, Christian Rohner/Uppsala university
- Secure machine learning in the cloud, Subhrakanti Dey/Uppsala university
TRACK 1B (room Empire State Building)
- Cybersecurity for Increased Competitiveness, Per Hjertén/IVA
- SafeTest – Safety and privacy protection when using test beds remotely, Elsa Vaara och Mikhail Popov/RISE AB
- Sustainable Energy with Adaptive Security (SEAS), Mikael Asplund/LIU
- Cyber Security for Next Generation Factory (SEC4FACTORY), Christian Gehrmann/LTH
- Secure Software Update Deployment for the smart City, Görel Hedin/LTH
12.25 Lunch
13.20 Project presentations PART 2
TRACK 2A (room Auditorium)
- CLAS: Cyber-Security for Learning and Control systems, Alexandre Proutiere/KTH
- WebSec: Securing Web-driven Systems, Andrei Sabelfeld/Chalmers
- Sentience: Simulation-based reinforcement-learning security operations center, Jakob Nyberg /KTH
- Side-Channel Vulnerability and Threat Analysis with Machine Learning in Focus, Elena Dubrova/KTH (this link is to both presentations by Elena Dubrova)
- SURE: Secure Reconfigurable Hardware in the Era of AI, Elena Dubrova/KTH
TRACK 2B (room Empire State Building)
- Serendipity – Secure and dependable platforms for cyber-physical systems, Mikael Sjödin/MDH
- Resilient Information and Control Systems (RICS), Simin Nadjm-Tehrani/LIU
- Forefuture – combining threat intelligence and attack simulation, Staffan Truvé/Recorded Future AB
- Zero Trust Software Security Assurance, Luis Barriga/Ericsson AB, Cheng Jiang/atsec AB
- Methodological support for Swedish industry to meet vulnerability risks in the use of open source software, Johan Linåker/RISE AB
14.30 Keynote with Minister of Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin (speech in Swedish)
14.50 Coffee/tea
15.20 Project presentations PART 3
TRACK 3A (room Auditorium)
- Smart and secure gateway for Internet of Things, Peter Jonsson, Joakim Eriksson/RISE AB
- aSSIsT – Secure Software for the Internet of Things, Bengt Jonsson/Uppsala university
- Octopi: Secure Programming for the Internet of Things, Alejandro Russo/Chalmers
- LifeSec: Don’t Hack my Body!, Thiemo Voigt/Uppsala university
- RIOT: Resilient Internet of Things, Magnus Almgren/Chalmers, Christian Rohner/Uppsala university
- SURPRISE – Secure and private connectivity in smart environments, Panos Papadimitratos/KTH
TRACK 3B (room Empire State Building)
- Secure usage of FOSS, Roger Holmberg/Ericsson AB, Mats Areblad (konsult)/Saab AB
- ”Vad är klockan?” – A secure way to find out what time it is, Christer Weinigel/Netnod AB
- CSSTII – Certifiable System-On-Chip for Safety Critical Industrial Applications, Jan Andersson /Cobham Gaisler AB
- TrustFull: Trustworthy Fullstack Computing, Mads Dam/KTH
- CERCES2 – Center for Resilient Critical Infrastructures, Henrik Sandberg/KTH
Powerpoint presentations from the conference
Presentations are published in PDF format.