Din åsikt behövs! – Enkät om Europasamarbetet, senast 30/9
Som medlem i Cybernoden får du här en möjlighet att ge din syn på hur vårt Europasamarbete kan bli bättre! Det är viktigt att vi ger konstruktiv feedback från Sverige – bidra med dina synpunkter! Enkäten är anonym. —- As part of our ongoing commitment to enhance and support the services provided by the National Coordination Centres, we invite you to take part in a short survey to help us better understand your needs, when it comes to cross-border collaboration, the awareness and role of the Digital Europe programme, coherence between national legislative efforts and related EU funded activities and to identify concrete benefits of EU intervention in cybersecurity. The survey will take only 5-10 minutes and it will be open until 30th of September.