Cybercampus Partnership Co-Creation Event, December 11-12!

We welcome potential partners to our first co-creation event lunch-to-lunch in a series meetings to develop the Cybercampus!
Join us for two days in December as we co-create and gather insights from the industry on how to move forward with our partnership agreement. Here you will have a chance to network with other interested our collective success. These days will revolve around presentations on new research, education initiatives as well as carefully crafted co-creation exercises.

The co-creation exercises will be based on needs and challenges in cybersecurity with the help of a selection of professionals and cybersecurity experts.

We will work on two or possibly three themes:

  1. Secure cloud solutions
  2. AI as a tool for cyber security
  3. (TBD)

Tid: Ons 2024-12-11 kl 12.00 – Tors 2024-12-12 kl 13.00, plats: Valhallavägen 79, Stockholm.

There are a limited number of slots available, so be sure to sign up quickly. The event is free of charge for all participants.

Register your interest here.

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